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We are very happy to announce that Prof. Fabio Dell’Acqua has recently received the national Italian habilitation to full professorship. We congratulate with him for this great achievement, and hope there will be soon the possibility to exploit this habilitation.
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Our post-doc Andrea Marinoni (see this article in Italian) has been awarded a grant (called “Progetto professionalità Ivano Becchi”) by the Fondazione Banca del Monte di Lombardia. This is an award for brilliant researchers, designed to promote research works with practical applications. Andrea will go visit the Jet Propulsion Laboratory of NASA working on more advanced techniques to extract pollutants from satellite and ground-based measurements. Congratulations to Andrea for the excellent result!

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Prof. Maria Valeria Costa Correia, Rector of the Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL) in Brazil, visited the University of Pavia on last Thursday, March 8. She met our Rector Prof. Fabio Rugge, in order to strengthened the connections between Pavia and Maceio. She also taught a seminar about the privatization of the public health system in Brazil. Her visit has been possible thanks of the cooperations between UFAL and UNIPV through the EOXPOSURE project led by Prof. Fabio Dell'Acqua, and the visit by Prof. Frery, Vice Rector for Research at UFAL, who came to Pavia during the past week.
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We are proud to announce that prof. Paolo Gamba will be a keynote speaker at AIT2018. Its keynote will be entitled "Toward a settlements global archive". For more information and the complete program of the conference refer to website of The IX Conference of the Italian Society of Remote Sensing AIT – Associazione Italiana di Telerilevamento.
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Dopo aver selezionato 14 nuovi FabSpace in vari paesi in tutto il mondo alla fine del 2017, il progetto FabSpace2.0 ha ufficialmente inaugurato la prima attività compartecipata dei 14 nuovi FabSpace durante il workshop FabSpace2.0 su “Sharing Practices To Spread the FabSpace Spirit”. Il workshop si è tenuto il 31 gennaio scorso, presso il Centro per l’Innovazione e la Gestione del Trasferimento Tecnologico dell’Università di Varsavia in Polonia. Tra i 4 nuovi FabSpace italiani anche quello che fa base al Laboratorio di Telecomunicazioni e Telerilevamento presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale e dell’Informazione dell’Università di Pavia.
Per maggiori informazioni... http://news.unipv.it/?p=28677